Areas of Practice

Estate Planning and Probate Administration

The Elder Law Office of Kienitz and Pross, P.A. helps individuals and families prepare for the inevitable by carefully drafting wills and trusts after thorough conferences with clients. The firm also guides family members through the probate process and the administration of simple estates after a loved one passes away. The firm does not typically handle contested probate matters or probate litigation.

Planning for Incapacity or Long Term Care

The Elder Law Office of Kienitz and Pross, P.A. helps clients prepare for the possibility of incapacity. Plans are tailored to the client’s individual circumstances, and often involve durable financial powers of attorney, health care powers of attorney with advanced directives, trusts, and property transfers. These plans take into consideration diagnoses, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, and are tailored to achieve the client’s asset protection goals in the event long term care becomes necessary.

MaineCare Planning and Applications

The rules that govern Medicaid (MaineCare) eligibility are rapidly changing. The conventional wisdom that has guided the transfer of assets to younger generations in the past can now result in disastrous consequences. The firm helps plan for long term care both before and after the need for long term care arises. The firm also assists with the Medicaid application process, from start to finish.

Guardianship and Conservatorship

The Elder Law Office of Kienitz and Pross, P.A. helps people who must obtain guardianship and conservatorship of loved ones who no longer can manage their own affairs. The firm leads the potential guardian or conservator through the probate process.

The firm does not typically handle contested probate matters or probate litigation.

Special Needs Planning and Public Benefits

The Elder Law Office of Kienitz and Pross, P.A. can prepare supplemental needs trusts to hold the assets of people who are disabled so they may maintain eligibility for important public benefits. These trusts are sometimes prepared after a personal injury settlement or an inheritance. They can also be prepared as part of a comprehensive estate plan for clients with disabled family members. The firm can also assist people with setting up accounts under the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act.