by Mia | Nov 18, 2021 | Estate Planning, Planning for Incapacity
By Mia Poliquin Pross, Esq. One of my first questions to a new estate planning client is usually something like, “What’s your goal and what do you want to happen as you age and eventually pass away?” The most common answer is something along the lines of, “I want to...
by Mia | Jun 18, 2020 | Advanced Care Directives, Health Care Power of Attorney, Planning for Incapacity
By Kathleen Kientz, Esq., Maine adopted a statute allowing persons to set forth their end of life decisions in a legally binding document. The statute even provides a form that has been commonly used in the state and distributed by many hospitals and health care...
by Mia | May 18, 2020 | Financial Power of Attorney, Planning for Incapacity
By Mia Poliquin Pross, Esq. A durable financial power of attorney is a legal document that names a trusted person to handle your finances if you can’t do so on your own. In my elder law practice, I find that people often misunderstand this document. I also see a lot...
by Mia | Apr 18, 2019 | Estate Planning, Financial Power of Attorney, Planning for Incapacity
By Mia Poliquin Pross, Esq. As people age, they often decide to make one of their adult children a joint owner of their bank account so someone can help with bills and access funds in an emergency. While this seems reasonable enough, especially if you have a great...